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Henderson County, North Carolina

Helping People live Safely and Happily in Their Own Homes

Provider Information as of 2025-03-14

All Seasons Errand Service

Hendersonville, NC 28739
Phone: 828-699-6007

Serving Henderson Co., NC.

Provider’s Statement of Service(s):
All Seasons Errand Service wants to make your life easier by providing a wide range of services for you and your family members. We are able to do delivery/pickup of drug stores, dry cleaners, post office services, and meals. We would love to do general errands, grocery shop, local courier services, mobile notary services, party preparations, and personal shopping for you. Also, we know that you might have a pet that needs to go to the veterinarian or needs to go to the groomer; just call us and we will take care of your pet's needs for you. When you are going out of town, call All Seasons Errand Service and we will pet sit or house sit for you. We are looking forward to meeting you.

Provider is not a registered non-profit.

Licensing/credentialing information given:
    Better Business Bureau

Category/ies* under which this provider may be found on the website:

Basic Needs → Nutrition / Food
Care → Home Care Help * → Errands
Care → Pet Care
Financial / Insurance → Pay Bills / Balance Checkbook
Health → Prescription Delivery *
Housing → Handyman Services
Housing → Maintaining Home and Yard → Housekeeping
Housing → Maintaining Home and Yard → Yard Work
Housing → Organizing / De-cluttering
Housing → Retrofitting Home for Disability
Housing → Repairing/Improving Your Home → General Home Repairs and Services
Housing → Repairing/Improving Your Home → Remodeling - Custom
Housing → Repairing/Improving Your Home → Renovation
Nutrition / Food → Home Delivered Meals
Nutrition / Food → Home Delivered Groceries
Nutrition / Food → Take-out Meals
Safety / Security → Organization / De-cluttering
Social Needs → Entertainment → Library Book Delivery
Social Needs → Entertainment → Movie Delivery
Social Needs → Pet Care
Transportation → By Car → For General Transportation
Transportation → By Car → For Hairdresser
Transportation → By Car → For Medical / Dental
Transportation → By Car → For Shopping

Unsubsidized — services for payment.


This provider last reviewed and approved their Aging Projects information on August 14, 2019.

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