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Henderson County, North Carolina

Helping People live Safely and Happily in Their Own Homes

Provider Information as of 2024-07-06

Pardee Lifeline

2029 Asheville Highway
Hendersonville, NC 28791
Phone: 828-692-9061
2nd Phone: 1-800-242-1306 x4748
Fax: 828-692-5431

Serving Henderson Co., NC.   Also serving: Polk, Buncombe, Transylvania

Provider’s Statement of Service(s):
Lifeline has the Only Button that can send help if the subscriber cannot! The Auto Alert button can signal a fall and send a help signal even if the subscriber cannot, will not, or forgot.
NO CONTRACTS. So you're not locked into a multi-year contract. Local service providers, Pardee Lifeline has been serving Henderson County for 31 years.

Provider is a Registered Non-Profit.

Licensing/credentialing information given:
    Margaret R. Pardee Hospital
    Philips Corporation
    Better Business Bureau

Category/ies* under which this provider may be found on the website:

Safety / Security → Home Alarm Devices
Safety / Security → Personal Safety/Monitoring/Medic Alert tags
Safety / Security → Home Security

Unsubsidized — services for payment.


This provider last reviewed and approved their Aging Projects information on March 26, 2016.

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