Click to go to the Aging Projects Introductory page
Henderson County, North Carolina

Helping People live Safely and Happily in Their Own Homes


LEARN how to become part of Aging Projects, Inc. as a service provider on this website. Read our criteria for becoming a service provider, read the instructions for applying to us, and download a provider application.

REVIEW & CONFIRM your information on the website. (This must be done to complete the application process, and then at least once every year thereafter.)
We take pride that our website is kept accurate and current when Service Providers review and confirm their information.

CHANGE or UPDATE your part of the website at any time. (For existing service providers; user name and password required.)
Must be done at least every year in order to remain on this website, but you may do this as often as your information changes.

NEED LOGIN information? Forgot your user name and/or password? Here’s how to request your user name and password.

MEDIA & MARKETING MATERIALS such as logos for linking to our website from your website, brochures and other materials may be downloaded for use on your website or to otherwise share information about Aging Projects, Inc. For existing service providers. User name and password required.

KEEPING IN TOUCH is important, and it goes both ways.
  • When you need to reach Aging Projects personnel, it may be convenient to begin at the Contact Us page.
  • When we need to communicate with our Service Providers, we often do this electronically. Find out how you can insure that emails from us actually reach your in-box.

  • HOW CAN WE IMPROVE our website? Your comments, suggestions and ideas matter to us.

    SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Any site service provider may announce their own special events that are related to aging at home during our Board and Advisory Committee meetings. NEXT MEETINGS are announced on the Events page and also on the Join Us page.

    EVENTS AND MEETINGS: Find out what events are coming up that we’re participating in, and find out how you can become involved as a valued Volunteer with our project. See where and when our next Board and Advisory Committee meetings will be. Everyone is welcome!.

    PRINT BROCHURES in color or black-and-white with general information about Aging Projects, Inc., as well as information about Volunteering with us or becoming a Service Provider with us.

    For more information: Email the Director.

    Copyright © 2009-2025 Aging Projects, Inc.Primary/Satellite MenuSite SearchRevised: 12/6/2019